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Headshot Yuki Yan

Yuki Yan 颜玉丽

Partner 合伙人

Hong Kong

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Yuki is a partner based in Ogier's Hong Kong office. Yuki has extensive experience advising on a broad range of banking and financing transactions, debt capital markets transactions and restructuring, including structured finance, leveraged and acquisition finance, fund finance, pre-IPO finance, real estate finance, margin finance and general corporate lending. Yuki also regularly advises on corporate finance transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, pre-IPO investments, initial public offerings and private equity.

Background and experience

Yuki has extensive experience in debt capital markets transactions, structured finance, acquisition finance, fund finance, pre-IPO finance, real estate finance, margin finance and general corporate lending, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings and private equity.

Yuki is part of Ogier's multi-disciplinary Restructuring and Insolvency team and has considerable experience on refinancing, corporate restructuring and reorganisations and debt restructuring.

Being a native Mandarin speaker and fluent in English and Cantonese, Yuki regularly advises major international and PRC financial institutions, PRC state-owned enterprises, listed and private companies and investment funds on banking and finance transactions of all types.

Prior to joining Ogier, Yuki is trained with Jun He Law Offices in Hong Kong and qualified into its corporate and finance team focusing on corporate and finance transactions.

Yuki received her Bachelor of Laws from China University of Political Science and Law in 2009 and her Juris Doctor from City University of Hong Kong in 2012. She completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws at City University of Hong Kong in 2013.

Representative transactions:

  • acted as BVI counsel to a syndicate led by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, United Overseas Bank Limited and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited on a USD1.13 billion green loan to the ESR Group and Chinachem Group to develop and operate a prime cold storage and logistics facility in Kwai Chung.

  • acted as BVI counsel to Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as the guarantor and Contemporary Ruiding Development Limited as issuer on the issue of US$1 billion 1.875% Guaranteed Bonds due 2025 and US$500 million 2.625% Guaranteed Bonds due 2030.

  • acted as Cayman Islands counsel in connection to a tender offer by Lenovo Perpetual Securities Limited, a Cayman special purpose vehicle of the Lenovo Group, for its outstanding US$1 Billion 5.375% perpetual securities in the form of cumulative preferred shares.

  • acted as Cayman Islands counsel to the International Finance Corporation on the launch of a US$100 million 10-year social bond, being the Philippines' first ever social bond in the healthcare sector.

  • acted as BVI counsel to a syndicated led by Crédit Agricole, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, United Overseas Bank Limited, and other syndicated lenders on HK$1.6 billion sustainability linked loan facilities to finance the conversion of an industrial cold storage building to an en-bloc high-tech data centre.

  • acted as Cayman or BVI counsel of major international banks, Chinese banks and securities houses in setting up offshore structured notes programmes and issuing structured notes.

Admitted in:
2020 - England and Wales
2015 - Hong Kong (non practising)

Yuki is a Registered Foreign Lawyer regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong.




Profile (Simplified Chinese)


颜玉丽(Yuki Yan)律师是奥杰香港办公室的合伙人。颜律师在各类型融资业务和公司重组业务方面具有丰富的经验,包括债券资本市场交易、结构性融资、杠杆和收购融资、基金融资、上市前融资、不动产融资、保证金贷款、一般公司借贷,并购交易、公司上市以及私募股权投资。




颜律师在2009年于中国政法大学取得了法律本科学位,在2012年于香港城市大学取得了法律博士学位,以及在 2013年于香港城市大学完成了法学专业实践课程。



  • 作为大华银行、三井住友银行和华桥银行牵头的银团的BVI法律顾问,就该银团向ESR及华懋集团提供3亿美元五年期创新性绿色贷款提供BVI法律服务。该笔五年期贷款将用于资助七层高的葵涌冷库物流中心的建设。

  • 作为宁德时代的BVI法律顾问,就其通过BVI子公司发行10亿美金票息875%于2025年到期的担保票据以及5亿美金票息2.625%于2030年到期的担保票据提供BVI法律服务。

  • 作为联想集团的开曼法律顾问,就其特殊目的公司Lenovo Perpetual Securities Limited公开收购其之前以优先股方式公开发行的10亿美金利息为375%的永续债提供开曼法律服务。

  • 作为世界银行集团组成机构之一的国际金融公司的开曼顾问,就其认购菲律宾上市公司阿亚拉集团发行的1亿美元社会债券提供开曼法律服务。该笔债券是菲律宾在医疗领域的首笔社会债券。

  • 作为法国农业信贷银行、三井住友银行和大华银行牵头的银团的BVI法律顾问,就其提供16亿港币可持续发展关联贷款用于将一栋工业冷库建筑改造为高科技数据中心提供BVI法律服务

  • 多次为各国际银行、中资银行和证券公司设立离岸结构性票据计划以及在该票据计划下发行结构性票据提供开曼或BVI法律服务


2020 – 英格兰和威尔士

2015 – 香港(非执业)


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"Yuki Yan is very responsive and always reacts promptly to our inquiries. She is also very experienced and always provides professional and practical advice on our projects."

IFLR1000, 2024

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"Rising star"

China Business Law Journal, 2025

"Detail-oriented and had made every effort to understand the client’s needs since the preparation stage of the transaction."

Legal 500 Asia-Pacific, 2023

"Yuki Yan is commercially sound and responsible"

IFLR1000, 2024


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