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"Key lawyer"
Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2025
Cecilia Li is a partner based in Ogier's Hong Kong office. She has a broad corporate finance practice with particular expertise in using BVI and Cayman companies in capital markets transactions, mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, corporate reorganisations and joint ventures. She also has extensive experience in banking and syndicated loan transactions, mortgage backed securities transactions and debt restructurings.
Background and experience
Cecilia Li is a corporate partner in Ogier's Hong Kong office. She advises on a broad range of corporate and corporate finance transactional matters, including equity and debt offerings, initial public offerings on stock exchanges globally (including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United States of America), mergers and acquisitions, take-private transactions, banking and syndicated loan transactions, mortgage backed securities transactions and complex corporate and debt restructuring. She is part of Ogier's multi-disciplinary Private Equity team and has extensive experience in advising downstream corporate transactions – acquisitions, investments and exits.
As a native Mandarin speaker (also fluent in English and Cantonese), Cecilia regularly advises both international and Chinese clients across a broad range of corporate, fundraising and financing transactions. She is highly valued for her combination of legal expertise and superior language proficiency. Cecilia's clients include major Chinese state-owned enterprises, listed and private companies, major investment banks, financial institutions and private equity houses.
Cecilia started her career with Norton Rose Fulbright in London before moving back to Hong Kong.
Representative transactions:
Capital markets
- Xuan Wu Cloud, a provider of intelligent customer relationship management services, as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its USD215 million IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (2392.HK)
- China Conch Environment Protection, a provider of industrial waste treatment service, as Cayman counsel in connection with its spin-off and listing by way of introduction on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (0587.HK)
- Hangzhou Tigermed, a provider of clinical research services, as Cayman counsel in connection with its USD1.38 billion H shares listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (3347.HK)
- Jiangsu Yahong Meditech, a provider of genitourinary system treatment, as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its CNY2.528 billion IPO on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board (688176.SS)
- Huali Group, a manufacturer of sports equipment, as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its CNY360 million IPO on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (300979.CH)
- Baofeng Energy, a manufacturer and distributor of chemical products, as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its CNY815 million IPO on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (600989.SH)
- CSMall Group, a specialty retailer of jewellery, as Cayman counsel in connection with its HKD462 million IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (1815.HK)
- China Mengniu Dairy as BVI counsel on its HKD4.86 billion structuring of an employee incentive scheme and issuance of convertible bonds
- China Shengmu Organic Milk as Cayman counsel on its first social responsibility panda bonds in China
- Beijing State-Owned Capital Operation and Management as BVI counsel on its EUR1 billion guaranteed notes offering
- China Communications Construction Company Limited as BVI counsel on its USD1.5 billion perpetual securities offering
- China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation as BVI counsel on its USD800 million keepwell structure notes offering and subsequent USD700 million tap issue of notes
- China Reform Holdings as BVI counsel on its USD550 million bonds issuance
- Wharf Real Estate Investment as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its USD3 billion medium term note programme and subsequent notes issues
- China Travel Service as BVI counsel on its USD900 million guaranteed notes offering
M&A / Private Equity
- Newater Technology as BVI counsel to its independent committee in connection with its privatisation from NASDAQ by way of statutory merger by its co-founders
- Ossen Innovation as BVI counsel to its independent committee in connection with its privatisation from NASDAQ by way of statutory merger
- MiRXES Pte Ltd as Cayman counsel in connection with its USD77 million series C financing
- Suzhou Cure Genetics as Cayman and BVI counsel in connection with its USD60 million series B financing
- Ping An Capital on a number of private equity investments
- Ping An Trust on a number of private equity investments and exits
- Sumscope as Cayman counsel on its series C, C+ and D financings
- A PRC state-owned fund investing in BYTON
Debt Restructuring
- China Fortune Land Development, China South City, Yincheng International, Sino-Ocean Capital, Sansheng Holdings and Sichuan Transportation Investment Group as Cayman and BVI counsel on their liability management transactions, including consent solicitation and exchange offer
Admitted in:
2013 - England and Wales
Cecilia is a Registered Foreign Lawyer regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong.
- LLB, University of Warwick
- MSc in Sociology, University of Oxford
- LPC, BPP University
- Mandarin (native)
- English
- Cantonese
Profile (Simplified Chinese)
李嵚盈(Cecilia Li )是奥杰香港办公室的合伙人,专注于企业融资业务。李律师的执业领域涵盖企业融资及公司法的各个方面,尤其专注于债券资本市场、在全球各地区的证券交易所的首次公开发行(包括中国内地、香港、台湾地区及美国等)、企业并购、私有化、银行及银团贷款、抵押担保证券交易、以及企业及债务重组等。李律师也是奥杰私募股权团队的成员,为私募基金的并购、投资及退出等项目提供法律服务。
- 就玄武云科技,一家智能客户关系管理服务供应商,在香港交易所的2.15亿美元首次公开招股上市项目提供开曼和BVI法律意见(2392.HK)
- 就中国海螺环保,一家工业废弃物处理服务供应商,在香港交易所以介绍方式上市项目提供开曼法律意见(HK)
- 就杭州泰格医药,一家临床研究服务供应商,在香港交易所的13.8亿美元H股上市项目提供开曼法律意见(03347.HK)
- 就江苏亚虹医疗,一家专注于研究泌尿生殖系统治疗方案,在上海交易所科创板的25.28亿人民币首次公开招股上市项目提供开曼和BVI法律意见 (688176.SS)
- 就中山华利实业,一家运动器材制造商,在深圳交易所创业板的3.6亿人民币首次公开招股上市项目提供开曼和BVI法律意见 (300979.CH)
- 就宁夏宝丰能源,一家化工产品制造商和分销商,在上海交易所的8.15亿人民币首次公开招股上市项目提供开曼和BVI法律意见 (600989.SH)
- 就金猫银猫集团,一家珠宝专业零售商,在香港交易所的4.62亿港元首次公开招股上市项目提供开曼法律意见(01815.HK)
- 就中国蒙牛乳业的48.6亿港元结构性融资员工激励计划及可转换债券发行提供BVI法律意见
- 就中国圣牧有机奶业的中国首个社会责任熊猫债发行提供开曼法律意见
- 就北京国有资本运营管理的10亿欧元有担保债券发行项目提供BVI法律意见
- 就中国交通建设的15亿美元永续债券发行项目提供BVI法律意见
- 就中国再保险的8亿美元维好协议结构的债券发行及之后的7亿美元的债券增发提供BVI法律意见
- 就中国国新控股的5.5亿美元债券发行提供BVI法律服务
- 就九龙仓置业地产的30亿美元中期票据计划及后续的票据发行提供BVI及开曼法律意见
- 就香港中旅的9亿美元有担保债券发行项目提供BVI法律意见
并购 / 私募股权
- 就美国纳斯达克上市公司Newater Technology被其创始人私有化项目向其独立委员会提供BVI法律服务
- 就美国纳斯达克上市公司Ossen Innovation的以并购方式进行的私有化项目向其独立委员会提供BVI法律服务
- 就MiRXES Pte Ltd 的7,700万美元C轮融资提供开曼法律服务
- 就苏州克睿基因生物科技的6,000万美元B 轮融资提供开曼和BVI法律服务
- 就平安资本参与的多项私募股权投资项目提供BVI及开曼法律服务
- 就平安信托在多项私募股权项目的投资和退出提供BVI及开曼法律服务
- 作为森浦科技的开曼法律顾问就其进行的一系列股权融资提供开曼法律服务
- 就投资拜腾为一家国资背景的基金提供开曼法律服务
- 为华南城、华夏幸福、银城国际、远洋资本、三盛控股和四川交通投资的债务管理交易,包括同意征询和债券置换,提供开曼和BVI法律服务
2013 – 英格兰及威尔士,事务律师(非执业中)
李嵚盈(Cecilia Li)是受香港律师协会规管的注册外国律师。
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