Nathan Powell
Partner 合伙人 | Legal
Hong Kong

Nathan Powell
Partner 合伙人
Hong Kong
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
Our sector approach relies on smart collaboration between teams who have a deep understanding of related businesses and industry dynamics. The specific combination of our highly informed experts helps our clients to see around corners.
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
Corporate and Fiduciary
Banking and Finance
Dispute Resolution
Employment law
Intellectual Property
Investment Funds
Listing services
Local Legal Services
Our sector approach relies on smart collaboration between teams who have a deep understanding of related businesses and industry dynamics. The specific combination of our highly informed experts helps our clients to see around corners.
Ogier provides practical advice on BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Irish, Jersey and Luxembourg law through our global network of offices across the Asian, Caribbean and European timezones. Ogier is the only firm to advise on this unique combination of laws.
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26 January 2022
Hong Kong, Cayman Islands
1 min read
香港联交所最近对其上市规则进行了多项修订,并于 2022 年 1 月 1 日生效。其中包括最近公布的关于《海外发行人上市制度》和《企业管治守则审阅》及相关上市的咨询结论规则和家政规则修正案。
现有的香港上市发行人应确定其完全符合核心标准。如果没有,他们必须在 2022 年 1 月 1 日(即规则变更的生效日期)之后的第二次年度股东大会之前对其章程文件进行任何必要的修改以符合要求。
如果您需要更多信息或任何帮助,请联系 Nathan Powell nathan.powell@ogier.com、Rachel Huang rachel.huang@ogier.com 或Janice Chu janice.chu@ogier.com。
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