Alex Horsbrugh-Porter
Partner | Legal

Alex Horsbrugh-Porter
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In Guernsey, as in the UK, there is a relatively quick and easy process for restoring companies to the Register of Companies when they have been struck off and dissolved.
Circumstances where a company may be struck off the Register of Companies (the Register)
A Company can be struck off the Register where:
Application for restoration
An application for restoration to the Register can be made to the Court pursuant to Part XX of the Companies Law by the following parties:
An application can be made to the Non-Contentious Court which sits on a Tuesday. The matter will then be dealt with 'on the papers' and no physical court attendance is usually required. If, however, there is likely to a party opposing the application to restore then an application should be made to the Ordinary Court and court attendance will be required. Any application must be accompanied by an affidavit detailing the reasons why the company was struck off and why it needs to be restored.
It is also important that notice of the proposed application for restoration is provided to:
This notification allows for any comments or objection to be made to the restoration application. If there are any company fees outstanding then payment will be need to be arranged before the company can be restored. It is also important that written consent is obtained from any former directors who will continue as directors upon a restoration application being granted. Provided no issues are raised, the application can then be made at the next sitting of the non-contentious court.
It is worth noting that, in certain circumstances i.e. where the company was struck off in error, in circumstances where it should not have been, an application can be made straight to the Registrar under Section 371(10) of the Companies Law and an application to court is not required.
What will the Court consider when deciding an application?
The Court will have regard to the following:
This information will all be covered in an affidavit supporting the application referred to above.
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