Joanne Collett 高頌恩
Partner | Legal
Hong Kong

Joanne Collett 高頌恩
Hong Kong
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
Our sector approach relies on smart collaboration between teams who have a deep understanding of related businesses and industry dynamics. The specific combination of our highly informed experts helps our clients to see around corners.
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
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23 May 2024
Hong Kong
1 min read
奥杰香港办公室的新合伙人Joanne Collett表示,香港法院对房地产开发商中国恒大集团(CEG)的清盘判决在市场上引起了强烈反响,对于有能力融资的公司而言,在面对持有不耐烦态度,并且似乎越来越愿意采取强制执行措施的利益相关方,重组交易的势头可能会有所增加。
Joanne Collett于2024年5月2日以合伙人身份加入奥杰香港办公室,她认为,只要有资金,由此而产生的冲击将导致重组工作呈上升趋势。
“开曼群岛在减资方面出现的积极变化应该会有助于简化一些公司的减资程序。” 她补充道。
“在投资基金方面,尤其是那些拥有不良资产投资的基金,有投资者询问基金经理和董事的义务及责任,也有投资者对于他们的选择存疑,我预计这些问题在不久的将来还会继续出现。奥杰目前正在处理Three Arrows Capital一案,鉴于市场的波动性,我会疑问是否还将出现其他与加密货币相关的案件。”
作为重组和破产专家,Joanne 为奥杰带来了超过 22 年的破产相关经验。她最初在澳大利亚获得执业资格,随后移居纽约和开曼群岛,并于2012年移居香港,继续从事离岸法律工作。在加入奥杰之前,Joanne在Walkers工作了大约十年。
她说:“我加入奥杰时,见证了由Oliver Payne领导的香港团队多年来不断发展壮大。我很高兴加入这个团队,我觉得这个团队非常适合我,而且他们的技能与我的技能相得益彰。我过去曾与奥杰团队合作过,也曾与他们对立过,他们为客户提供的专业知识给我留下了深刻印象。
Joanne拥有丰富的本地和跨境专业知识,经常为面临财务困境的离岸公司提供法律意见。她补充说,她处理过的最有趣的跨境案件是MIE Holdings Corporation一案,该案涉及与银行贷款人达成的双边交易,该公司的贷款机制受香港法律管辖。她说:“这个案子特别有趣,因为我们决定不同时执行香港计划——吉布斯规则当时可以说适用于纽约法律管辖债券的解除,后来在香港和纽约的其他案件中受到质疑,现阶段在纽约的其他案件中得到支持。”
Ogier is a professional services firm with the knowledge and expertise to handle the most demanding and complex transactions and provide expert, efficient and cost-effective services to all our clients. We regularly win awards for the quality of our client service, our work and our people.
This client briefing has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Ogier. The information and expressions of opinion which it contains are not intended to be a comprehensive study or to provide legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
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