Laurent Thailly
Partner | Legal
Luxembourg Legal Services
Luxembourg Legal Services
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With more than 1,000 securitisation vehicles and thousands of related compartments, the Luxembourg securitisation market has enjoyed a continuous and steady growth. It is also forecast that this well-established trend will continue to gain further strength in the coming years.
As a leading hub in Europe for securitisation and structured finance transactions, Luxembourg offers a pragmatic and secure legal and tax regime which allows the securitisation of virtually an unlimited range of risks, through different forms of securitisation vehicles (SVs) with reduced complexities and almost full tax neutrality.
The regime that developed in practice following the statutory framework created by the Luxembourg Securitisation Law of 22 March 2004, as amended from time to time, (the Securitisation Law) and the regulatory guidance issued by the Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervisory Authority (the CSSF) in the form of published Q&As has therefore led to a widespread market usage of SVs to cover a range of activities from (i) regulated, continuously offered securities to the public, through (ii) institutional capital raising and (iii) private, unregulated financial instruments-issuing investment vehicles.
On 9 February 2022, a new law amending the Securitisation Law was voted in, bringing further flexibility and clarification to the applicable SV regime and confirmation of certain practices that had developed over time in the market.
In this briefing, we set out an overview of some of these changes and the resulting modernised Luxembourg SV regime, together with its latest tax related salient points.
Securitisation under the Securitisation Law means the transaction by which an SV (cumulatively):
The Luxembourg SV may therefore be used for a diverse range of economic purposes, including:
Risks relating to all types of assets, whether movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, as well as those relating to obligations assumed by third parties or inherent in all or part of third-party activities, may be securitised. There are no portfolio diversification requirements, so that SVs are able to hold single asset portfolios where appropriate.
Securitisation may occur either through a true sale under which assets are assigned to or acquired by the SV or through a "synthetic" securitisation, where only the risk linked to the portfolio assets is transferred. Under the modernised Securitisation Law, it has been clarified that the acquisition of the assets to be securitised may now take place directly or indirectly by the SV (thereby confirming the possibility to structure acquisitions via subsidiaries).
Aside from the fact that an SV as a company will have share capital and corresponding issued equity, it will finance its securitisation operations through the issue of financial instruments (this term now replaces the previously used narrower and undefined term of "securities"). There is neither a legal definition nor any prescription as to the characteristics of such financial instruments, simply that their yield or value accretion must derive from the securitised risks. On this basis, the following is to be noted:
The modernised Securitisation Law has also significantly broadened the funding possibilities of SVs by providing that they may receive financing through borrowing or intra-group financing (previously, the financing by way of loans was possible under limited circumstances only). This now includes any form of indebtedness that gives rise to a repayment obligation from the SV.
There are no restrictions on eligible investors under Luxembourg law, however, the laws on financial instruments that may be applicable to investors in their own jurisdictions will need to be taken into account.
A Luxembourg SV can be constituted as:
The vast majority of Luxembourg SVs are structured as companies (although securitisation funds get some traction), and SVs set up as partnerships prove attractive for foreign investors already used to this legal form.
The Luxembourg companies law applies to SVs set up as companies, except in relation to a few limited instances where changes required by the Securitisation Law will apply.
The Securitisation Law offers the possibility to have ring-fenced compartments within the SV, allowing a clear segregation of assets and liabilities between them. The rights / claims of investors / creditors relating to a specific compartment will be limited to the assets of that compartment, which will be exclusively available to satisfy such rights / claims. As between investors, each compartment shall be treated as a separate entity, except if otherwise provided for in the SV's constitutional documents. Compartments must be authorised in the SV's constitutional documents and are created by a simple decision of the management body of the SV.
A compartment may be liquidated separately to the other compartments of the SV.
In addition, the modernised Securitisation Law now offers the possibility for financial statements and profit distributions of an equity financed compartment to be approved solely by its shareholder(s).
There is statutory recognition of contractual limited recourse, non-petition and subordination (ie tranching) of the financial instruments issued by Luxembourg SVs, which offers a great means to achieve insolvency remoteness. It is not compulsory to issue different tranches of funding, it is merely enabled for those SVs whose business model is to do so.
A further welcome change brought by the modernised Securitisation Law is that the legal framework now provides for a comprehensive set of rules regarding the ranking of the financial instruments issued by the SV (units, shares or debt instruments, for example).
Nearly all Luxembourg SVs are unregulated. Indeed, provided an SV does not (a) offer its financial instruments to the public and, cumulatively, (b) does not do so on a continuous basis, it does not need to be regulated under Luxembourg law. Conversely, if it were to both (a) offer financial instruments to the public and (b) do so on a continuous basis, it would need to be regulated by the CSSF.
In relation to Luxembourg SVs, financial instruments issues are not considered to be offered to the public if they are issued either (a) only to professional clients, within the meaning of the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector (the 1993 Luxembourg Banking Law), or (b) on a private placement basis only. Similarly, financial instruments' issues whose denominations equal or exceed €100,000 are assumed not to be issues to the public.
A stock exchange listing does not in itself constitute an offer to the public. In determining whether an issuance constitutes an offer to the public, a look through basis will be applied in relation to any intermediate offering distribution / mechanism.
As now clarified in the Securitisation Law itself, an offer will be deemed to be made on a "continuous" basis if more than three issues of financial instruments are made per year (taking into account the total number of issues of all compartments).
For unregulated SVs, no application to the CSSF is required. Furthermore, there is no regulatory requirement to appoint a regulated administrator, manager or custodian, nor is there any regulatory oversight of the SV's documents or approval of the SV’s board members.
It is not necessary for an unregulated Luxembourg SV to issue any form of private placement memorandum, prospectus, or offer document, provided the issue of financial instruments falls within one of the exemptions under the Luxembourg Prospectus Law implementing the EU Prospectus Directive (which for an unregulated SV, would often overlap closely with the Securitisation Law's approach to offers to the public in any event).
An SV can now securitise risk portfolios actively managed by the vehicle itself or a third party (collateralised loan or debt obligations for instance) on the condition that its financial instruments are issued through a private placement. This is a key change compared to the previously applicable passive management approach, paving the way for further CLOs and CDOs structuring in Luxembourg.
An SV may manage its assets itself or entrust such management to third parties (including the assignor or originator of the assets) and / or appoint a third-party servicer, without the need for such parties to apply for a license under the 1993 Luxembourg Banking Law.
Under the previous regime, an SV could only grant security over its assets either (i) for the purpose of securing its own obligations in connection with the securitisation of those assets, or (ii) in favour of its investors, and any security granted in violation of this rule was to be declared null and void.
The Securitisation Law now provides for a more flexible regime by allowing an SV to give security for obligations relating to the securitisation operation, opening up the possibility to have security interests granted over the securitised portfolio to parties that are not direct creditors of the SV and / or for the indebtedness of its subsidiaries.
A Luxembourg domiciliation agent (providing a registered office and other services such as accounting, tax compliance etc) will generally be appointed by an SV. All SVs (including unregulated ones) must also appoint a CSSF-approved independent auditor, who will audit the annual accounts of the SV. Once a year, such accounts must be approved by the SV shareholder(s) and published.
Regulated SVs must entrust the custody of their liquid assets and securities to a credit institution that is established in or has its registered office in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg SVs are subject to certain reporting obligations set out in (i) Regulation ECB/2013/40 of the European Central Bank (the ECB) of 18 October 2013 concerning statistics on the assets and liabilities of financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions (the ECB/2013/40 Regulation) and (ii) circular 2014/236 of the Luxembourg Central Bank dated 25 April 2014 on statistical data collection for securitisation vehicles. In addition, they will be subject to the EMIR (EU Regulation No 648/2012) reporting and other obligations under certain circumstances (ie the entering into derivative contracts).
SVs may also be subject to certain reporting and other obligations under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) when entering into derivatives contracts.
New and existing securitisation funds also now have to register with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register.
Entities whose sole purpose is to carry out one or more securitisation operations within the meaning of article 1(2) of the ECB/2013/40 Regulation (the Securitisation Special Purpose Entities) fall as a principle outside of the scope of the Directive 2011/61/EU of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (the AIFMD) and the implementing Luxembourg law of 12 July 2013 (the AIFM Law).
However, (i) primary lenders (ie entities whose main business is to originate new loans) and (ii) SVs issuing structured products that primarily offer a synthetic exposure to assets other than loans (non-credit-related assets) and where the credit risk transfer is only ancillary are not considered as Securitisation Special Purpose Entities and are therefore not exempt from the scope of the AIFM Law.
Nevertheless, irrespective of the fact of whether SVs qualify as Securitisation Special Purpose Entities under the AIFM Law, they do not qualify as Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) if:
The Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 was entered into force on 17 January 2018 and has been applicable to securitisation transactions since 1 January 2019. Particular attention will therefore need to be paid on a case by case basis to the definition of "securitisation" under the Regulation, although in practice many securitisation transactions carried out by Luxembourg SVs will be out of scope, since the definition of securitisation under the Securitisation Law is broader than in the Regulation.
As indicated above, a SV can be incorporated either as a company (generally tax opaque) or as a (common) fund (fonds commun de titrisation – being tax transparent). The chosen structure directly influences the applicable tax regime and it should be analysed on a case-by-case basis.
Achieving a favourable tax regime may require sophisticated structuring in certain cases. For more information, please read our dedicated article: Tax benefits of securitisation vehicles in Luxembourg | Ogier and contact our tax experts.
Local and Luxembourg tax advice should in particular be sought for all the investments performed by both Luxembourg SVs to undertake proper and careful tax structuring to possibly mitigate local tax leakages.
Laurent Thailly
Partner | Legal
Luxembourg Legal Services
Luxembourg Legal Services
Aurélie Clementz
Partner | Legal
Luxembourg Legal Services
Luxembourg Legal Services
Hadrien Brémon
Counsel | Legal
Luxembourg Legal Services
Luxembourg Legal Services
Ogier is a professional services firm with the knowledge and expertise to handle the most demanding and complex transactions and provide expert, efficient and cost-effective services to all our clients. We regularly win awards for the quality of our client service, our work and our people.
This client briefing has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Ogier. The information and expressions of opinion which it contains are not intended to be a comprehensive study or to provide legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
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