Jonathan Branch
Senior Associate | Legal

Jonathan Branch
Senior Associate
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As one of the few firms in Guernsey to offer a trainee England & Wales solicitor programme, Ogier is definitely the place for you to kickstart your legal career. If you join us you will get much more than just a qualification - you will become part of a friendly and smart team of people who will support you to be extraordinary both within and beyond the workplace. Jonathan Branch and Tehya Morgan both have direct experience of our trainee programme – Jonathan graduated from it last year and Tehya will shortly be completing her Legal Practice Course (LPC) and starting her first seat in our Corporate team. Here they share their take on life at Ogier and their experience of training with us.
Tell us about your career so far
Jonathan: After leaving Elizabeth College, I studied politics at the University of Kent and then went on to do the law conversion LPC at the University of Law in Guildford. I returned home while making applications for training contracts. During this time, I worked as a paralegal at another firm in Guernsey to gain practical legal experience.
Tehya: While I was at the Guernsey Grammar Sixth Form Centre an advisor at the school told me about Ogier's bursary scheme and encouraged me to apply. Following an interview with the practice partner Marcus Leese, I joined the bursary programme. After that, I studied law at The University of Sussex and did a year abroad in Milan, all of which Ogier supported me with. I graduated in the summer of 2018 and started my role as a paralegal in Ogier's Private Wealth team the following September. I have recently moved across to Ogier's Corporate team, which I think will be a great experience before I join the trainee programme next September.
Why did you choose to train with Ogier?
Tehya: I've had such a long-standing and positive relationship with the firm that I didn't consider going anywhere else. As a bursary student I worked at the firm during the holidays and I really got to know the people in the office. I was actually on a bursary placement with Ogier when I got my university results and the same day I was invited by HR Manager, Vanessa Harvey, to discuss my next steps. I decided to apply for a paralegal position in Ogier's Private Wealth team while studying the online LPC with the University of Law – for me it was the perfect opportunity to come back home after university, work and get a qualification.
Jonathan: By chance I sat next to Ogier Partner Christopher Jones at a specialist debt listing seminar, and he told me about Ogier's training contract scheme. It was exactly what I was looking for. Not only is Ogier one of the only law firms locally to provide a training contract, the work the firm is doing is of exceptionally high quality. The standard of the training that I have received, and continue to receive, has been outstanding. With Ogier I get the best of both worlds: I can enjoy the Guernsey lifestyle while also working with colleagues who are industry leaders.
What's day-to-day life like at Ogier?
Jonathan: It's really not what you'd imagine a law firm might be like, in the best possible way! While everyone is focussed on the work, the atmosphere here is relaxed and friendly. In particular, over the past year especially, the office has become really social – there's a great crowd here and we regularly meet up after work or at weekends. Ogier supports you in in your passions outside of work too – the firm supported me in competing in the long range target rifle world championships in New Zealand for example, which involved taking a month out of the office.
Tehya: Generally, it's all go! However you really get the feeling that you are valued and that other members of the team want to support you to succeed. Even the busiest partners will make the time to help you in your studies and a lot of emphasis is placed on having a good work/life balance. Ogier has invested in me from day one.
Find out more about the trainee solicitor programme
Ogier is a professional services firm with the knowledge and expertise to handle the most demanding and complex transactions and provide expert, efficient and cost-effective services to all our clients. We regularly win awards for the quality of our client service, our work and our people.
This client briefing has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Ogier. The information and expressions of opinion which it contains are not intended to be a comprehensive study or to provide legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.
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