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Guernsey ticks the right boxes to attract increasing private equity investment from US


15 September 2020


1 min read


As We Are Guernsey reports that investment flows between Guernsey and the United States are growing, Ogier's Guernsey team believes that Guernsey's private equity regime provides the perfect conditions for managers and their investors.

"Guernsey ticks all the right boxes when it comes to private equity – both private and listed," says Ogier partner Bryon Rees.

"Importantly, the PE regime in Guernsey is simple and established, with sensible proportionate regulation which recognises the sophistication of managers and their investors. Guernsey is the ideal gateway to the UK and the European Union for US managers who continue to make use of private placement regimes in all the key markets." 

According to new research commissioned by the island’s government, Guernsey-domiciled funds saw a capital flow of £43 billion into the US in mid-2019, with a third of that figure originating in that country. More than two-thirds of that figure was invested in private equity. US investors backed Guernsey-domiciled funds with £43.6 billion, more than £33 billion of which was invested globally, particularly Europe.

In mid-2019 the net asset value of Guernsey-domiciled funds under management and administration in Guernsey was £227.7 billion.

Successfully attracting USA-based investors into its private equity funds, some 95% of all investment from the US into Guernsey funds goes into private equity, which is by far the largest share going into the sector from any single jurisdiction.

Craig agrees with Rupert Pleasant, Chief Executive of Guernsey Finance, who says that Guernsey has proved to be a simple route for US investors to access European and UK markets, attracted by its time zone, range of structures and ease of accessing European markets through the national private placement regime.

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This client briefing has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Ogier. The information and expressions of opinion which it contains are not intended to be a comprehensive study or to provide legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.

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