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Advantages of the Security Interests (Jersey) Law 2012


05 January 2021


3 min read

The Security Interests (Jersey) Law 1983 (the Security Interests 1983 Law) governing security over intangible movable property situated in Jersey (eg shares, units, accounts and contractual rights) generally worked well, but had become increasingly outdated in the context of modern banking and finance transactions. The Security Interests 1983 law has now been superseded by the Security Interests (Jersey) Law 2012 (the Security Interests 2012 Law), which came into full force and effect on 2 January 2014, following a lengthy consultation and drafting process.

Jersey entities (eg companies, trusts and limited partnerships) are often established as holding bodies for corporate or real estate structures, investment funds and special purpose vehicles. When lending to structures including Jersey entities, secured parties usually take Jersey law security over the shares/securities and other Jersey situs intangible assets of the Jersey entities, which will be governed by the Security Interests 1983 law or the Security Interests 2012 Law depending on when the security was created.

Under the transitional provisions of the Security Interests 2012 Law, any Jersey law security agreements entered into before 2 January 2014 will generally continue to be governed by the Security Interests 1983 law (as long as new collateral is not added to the security agreement and the secured obligations are not substantially increased or fundamentally changed). This ensures grandfathering of Security Interests 1983 law security interests. Therefore enforcement of any pre-2014 Jersey law security agreements will continue to be governed by the Security Interests 1983 law and there is no requirement for any pre-2014 security interests to be perfected by registration on the Jersey Security Interests Register (which only applies to Security Interests 2012 Law security interests).

On the other hand, any Jersey law security agreements entered into from 2 January 2014 onwards will be governed by the Security Interests 2012 Law. The following table compares / contrasts the Security Interests 1983 law to the Security Interests 2012 Law and summarises the main changes between them. As will be clear from the following table, there are a number of advantages to lenders in taking Security Interests 2012 Law security (even where there is already Security Interests 1983 law security in place), particularly in relation to registration and enforcement.

  Security Interests 1983 law Security Interests 2012 Law
Scope of Collateral
  • Shares
  • Units
  • Bonds
  • Bank accounts
  • Custody assets
  • Contractual rights 
  • Investment securities (including shares, units, debentures and warrants)
  • Bank accounts
  • Securities accounts
  • Contractual rights
  • Receivables
  • All present and future intangible movable property from time to time (similar to a floating charge) 



Security interest agreement complying with the Security Interests 1983 law, as well as:

(a) possession of certificates of title to collateral

(b) assignment of title to collateral and giving of notice or

(c) control of bank accounts


No concepts of attachment or perfection (only creation).

Security interest agreement complying with the Security Interests 2012 Law, as well as:

(a) attachment by (1) control of collateral or (2) description/identification of collateral

(b) perfection by (1) control (according to the statutory definition) of collateral and/or (2) public registration on the Jersey Security Interests Register


Attachment makes security enforceable against the grantor, whereas perfection makes security enforceable against third parties/during insolvency and ensures priority.

Third Party

Third party security (ie security granted in support of the obligations of a third party) is not expressly contemplated under the Security Interests 1983 law. This issue was usually dealt with by including a limited recourse guarantee or covenant to pay in the security interest agreement.


The Security Interests 2012 Law expressly permits third party security.
Rights to Deal The Security Interests 1983 law did not expressly provide for the grantor having rights to deal with the collateral (eg secured accounts). The Security Interests 2012 Law expressly provides that security is not affected by the grantor having rights to deal with the collateral, substitute equivalent collateral or withdraw excess collateral.
Registration No public registration of security. Registration of security on an online register open to public searches. Public registration of Security Interests 2012 Law security at or just before completion has become the usual method for perfecting security.
Enforcement Power of sale was the only enforcement remedy, other than appropriation of monies in a bank account (each requiring 14 days’ notice before enforcement of security where the event of default was capable of remedy).

Wider enforcement remedies, including:

(a) power of appropriation

(b) power of sale

(c) ancillary actions, such as taking possession or control of collateral or exercising contractual rights


No 14 day notice period before enforcement of security (assuming this is contracted out of).


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This client briefing has been prepared for clients and professional associates of Ogier. The information and expressions of opinion which it contains are not intended to be a comprehensive study or to provide legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.

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