Sophie Peat
Partner | Legal
Cayman Islands

Sophie Peat
Cayman Islands
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It is possible to re-register UK trade marks in order to gain local protection in certain jurisdictions.
In the Caribbean, Anguilla, Guyana and Montserrat offer a UK re-registration pathway as well as the opportunity for standalone national filings. Benefits of filing based on a UK registration in Guyana include the ability to file in multiple classes and in service classes. When filing a national application in Guyana only single class filings covering goods classes are accepted. Learn more in our guide.
Type of filings | Both national applications and applications for the re-registration of UK trade mark registrations are accepted |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority can be claimed, but Anguilla is not a party to the Paris Convention |
Single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and sevrices | Both goods and services may be protected |
Term of initial registration |
Renewals |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
i) Assignment or licence agreements
Observations | Anguilla’s trade mark filing and registration process is one of the smoothest in the Caribbean. The period from filing to registration can take as little as 4 months in straightforward cases. Office actions are seldom issued. |
Type of filings |
Priority |
Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed even though Gibraltar is a party to the Paris Convention. This is because filings are currently limited to the re-registration of existing UK trade mark registrations. |
Single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and services | Both goods and services may be protected, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration. |
Term of initial registration | To expire on the same date as that of the underlying UK registration unless renewed for further 10-year periods. |
Renewals | Due on the expiry of the underlying UK registration and should be renewed within 3 months of the date of renewal in the UK for further 10-year periods. |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
Observations |
Companies House Gibraltar provides a quick and efficient service. The period from filing to registration can take as little as 2 months. |
Type of filings | Both national applications and applications for the re-registration of UK trade mark registrations are accepted |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed. Guyana is a party to the Paris Convention, but there are no local implementing regulations. |
Single or multi-class |
Classification |
Protection of goods and services |
Term of initial registration |
Renewals |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
i) Assignment or licence agreements
Observation |
The Registrar automatically associates identical/similar marks owned by the same proprietor on examination – no office action is issued prior. Associated trade marks must be assigned together as a matter of law. However, as a matter of practice, the Registrar tends to take a lenient approach. Office actions are frequently issued in respect of a likelihood of confusion with earlier applications/registrations and requests for disclaimers in respect of any descriptive words and/or words lacking distinctiveness. Requests for clarity concerning any colour claims and codes are also common (a trade mark may be limited in whole or in part to one or more specified colours - if a trade mark is registered without limitation of colour, it is deemed to be registered for all colours). |
Type of filings |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed even though Jersey is a party to the Paris Convention. This is because filings are currently limited to the re-registration of existing UK trade mark registrations. |
Single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and services | Both goods and services may be protected, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration |
Term of initial registration | To expire on the same date as that of the underlying UK registration unless renewed for further 10-year periods |
Renewals | Due on the expiry of the underlying UK registration and should be renewed within 12 months of the renewal due date in the UK at the latest, after which the Registrar may remove the trade mark from the Register after notifying the proprietor of same |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings | A certified hard copy of the underlying UK registration issued by UK IPO is required |
Observations | The Intellectual Property Registry provides a quick and efficient service. The period from filing to registration can take as little as 1 month. |
Type of filings | Both national applications and applications for the re-registration of UK trade mark registrations are accepted |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed. Montserrat is not a party to the Paris Convention. |
Single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and services | Both goods and services may be protected |
Term of initial registration |
Renewals |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
i) Assignment or licence agreements
Note: All documents must be signed by a director/officer/employee or general counsel of the proprietor and their capacity must be clearly stated on the Authorisation of Agent. If, on the other hand, an authorised signatory or attorney who is not an employee, director or officer of the proprietor signs, then a notarised true copy of the original Authorisation or Power granted from the proprietor to the authorised signatory or attorney must also be provided, as well as a notarised sworn declaration. |
Observations | Montserrat’s Registry is efficient at processing applications within 6 months or less, but the formality requirements and amount of paperwork can be onerous compared with some of the other Caribbean countries. |
Type of filings |
Applications for the re-registration of UK trade mark registrations are accepted. |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed. The Solomon Islands is not a party to the Paris Convention. |
single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration. |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and services | Both goods and services may be protected, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration. |
Term of initial registration | To expire on the same date as that of the underlying UK registration unless renewed for further 10-year periods. |
Renewals | Due on the expiry of the underlying UK registration and should be renewed as soon as the UK registration has been renewed for further 10-year periods. |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
Observations | The Registrar General's Office operates a manual, paper-based system. The period from filing to registration can take around 6 months and much depends on the allocation of resources at the relevant time. |
Type of filings | Applications for the re-registration of UK trade mark registrations are accepted. |
Priority | Paris Convention Priority cannot be claimed. St. Helena is not a party to the Paris Convention. |
Single or multi-class | Both single and multi-class applications are accepted, as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration. |
Classification | Nice Classification |
Protection of goods and services | Both goods and services may be protected as dictated by the underlying UK trade mark registration. |
Term of initial registration | To expire on the same date as that of the underlying UK registration unless renewed for further 10-year periods. |
Renewals | Due on the expiry of the underlying UK registration and should be renewed as soon as the UK registration has been renewed and in any event within 6 months of the date of renewal in the UK for further 10-year periods. |
Typical documentary requirements and formalities for key filings |
Observations |
The Judicial section of the St. Helena Government operates a manual, paper-based system. The period from filing to registration can take around 6 months and much depends on the allocation of resources at the relevant time. |
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