Florence Chan
Partner 合伙人 | Legal
Hong Kong

Florence Chan
Partner 合伙人
Hong Kong
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
Our sector approach relies on smart collaboration between teams who have a deep understanding of related businesses and industry dynamics. The specific combination of our highly informed experts helps our clients to see around corners.
We have the expertise to handle the most demanding transactions. Our commercial understanding and experience of working with leading financial institutions, professional advisers and regulatory bodies means we add real value to clients’ businesses.
Corporate and Fiduciary
Banking and Finance
Dispute Resolution
Employment law
Intellectual Property
Investment Funds
Listing services
Local Legal Services
Our sector approach relies on smart collaboration between teams who have a deep understanding of related businesses and industry dynamics. The specific combination of our highly informed experts helps our clients to see around corners.
Ogier provides practical advice on BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Irish, Jersey and Luxembourg law through our global network of offices across the Asian, Caribbean and European timezones. Ogier is the only firm to advise on this unique combination of laws.
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20 October 2022
Hong Kong
1 min read
奥杰作为开曼群岛法律顾问,协助特殊目的并购公司(SPAC)TenX Keane Acquistion完成首次公开发行上市,公司以每个单位(unit)10美元的价格完成公开发售定价发行了6,600,000个单位,其中包括根据承销商部分行使超额配售选择权而发行的600,000个单位。
TenX Keane Acquisition于10月14日在纳斯达克全球市场上市后筹集了6600万美元,股票代码为TENKU。此次发行于2022年10月18日结束。
奥杰团队由香港办公室的合伙人陈婉殷牵头,并得到了公司全球企业业务主管Nathan Powell和律师助理Jenson Ng的支持
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