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Ogier Jersey acts for VTB in takeover offer of Polyus Gold, Russia's largest gold producer
Ogier in Jersey has acted for VTB as arranger in connection with a US$ 5,490,033,779.42 acquisition facility provided to Sacturino Limited (Sacturino) in connection with its proposed takeover offer for Polyus Gold International Limited (Polyus Gold).
Polyus Gold is a Jersey company listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange and is the largest gold producer in Russia.
The takeover offer values the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Polyus Gold at approximately US$ 9 billion (£5.95bn).
The Ogier team was led by partner Chris Byrne with senior associate Michael Evans and associate Anna Cochrane.
The English legal advisers were Allen & Overy LLP for VTB. Debevoise & Plimpton and Bedell Cristin acted for Sacturino.
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